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    Server Program


Server Program Summary


Parameter File

Batch Initiation

Server Program Output

Named Pipe Configuration




Server Program Summary

The Virtual Analyser Server program can be initiated by one of two methods; batch or through an NX/Services Named Pipe interface. 




Server Files Installation


DANAL4                     Host collector   - File type ALGOL/DMALGOL

PARAM                      Parameter File - File type DATA


Both of these files must be copied down on to the host, right-click and drag onto mapped network drive.


DANAL4 (DMALGOL filetype) must be compiled on DMS 4.6, or greater, software level. The resultant object file should be saved/installed under a privileged Usercode to be able to access all the files that compose the database.


Compile statements in CANDE






Batch Parameter File Configuration


PARAM must be renamed as NMR/PARAM under the same Usercode as DANAL4 above or as a Public Unusercoded file.  The PARAM file then must be amended to include a record for each database that you may want to analyse.  The format of the record is as below:-




Each field is terminated by a '%' the order of the fields is:-


1. nnnnnn - logical number of database - fixed six digit length

2. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - Database Name - variable length up to 17 characters

3. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - Description Files Usercode- variable length up to 17 characters

4. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - Description Files Family - variable length up to 17 characters

5. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - Control Files Usercode - variable length up to 17 characters

6. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - Control Files Family - variable length up to 17 characters

7. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - Server Name (Host name) - variable length up to 17 characters




 Batch Mode Initiation


Once you have added the database to the Parameter file you may initiate the program directly through CANDE by entering;




Where 3 is the database logical number in the parameter file.


If the Server program is to be initiated through WFL then the following JOB can be used










Server Program Output


Once run a batch output file is created it is given the naming convention:-


(<Server Program Usercode>)DBANAL/<nnnnnn>/<dbname>/"<yyyymmddhhmmss>.nmr" ON <Server Program Family>


Where ‘nnnnnn’ is the logical database number in the parameter file.


The output file is already in byte stream ASCII format and can be either dragged up into client directory using Windows Explorer, FTP'ed or have a network share mapped onto the output directory. When the file is saved in the Client Program it will be automatically transferred to the PC's Saved Batch File Directory.


Named Pipe Configuration


For the On-line portion of the Server program to function an NX/Services Named Pipe will need to be configured using NX/Admincenter. 


Named Pipe Name       VAPIPE

Named Pipe Type:         Initiated

Port File Name               VAPIPE

Code File Title                (<Server Program Usercode>)OBJECT/DANAL4 ON <Server Program Family>

Port file Size                    5000



This facility is not available with version 4.13 or demonstration versions