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Database Menu


The Database Menu has the following options: -

New Database
Change Database Definition
Delete Database Definition
Save Batch File
Load Batch File
Export Data



        Database Definition

Each Database that is used in the Client Program must have a database definition.  The Database definition can either automatically when a Batch File is saved or be added manually the client program by selecting the New Database Definition option on the menu or toolbar.

The Database definition is used by the Client Program to allow the grouping of Saved Batch Files and to give the attributes needed to create a named pipe interface to the Server Program running on a Server.



        New Database Definition

When New or Modify Database is selected a separate form is displayed to define a database to the Client Program.  This form will enable you to add a New Database Definition.  All fields are required to enable the dynamic connection to your database.

The fields include:-

Server Name
Database Name
Server Database Number
Description File Usercode
Description File Family
Control File Usercode
Control File Family
Pipe Name

For Information purposes only:-

Server Key
Key Expiration Date

If you want to add a database to an existing Server you should select the appropriate server in the treeview and then select New Database Definition.  The form will then be pre-filled with the Server Name, Default transfer type and any associated Server Key.

If you want to add a database where there is no Server defined, you just add the database as normal and the server definition will be added automatically.

Shortcut Key: Ctrl+N
Toolbar Button:


        Change Database Definition

When Change Database Definition is selected a separate form is displayed to modify the definition of a database to the Client Program.  This form will enable you to change an existing database definition.  All fields are required to enable the dynamic connection to your database.

The fields include:-

Server Name
Database Name
Server Database Number
Description File Usercode
Description File Family
Control File Usercode
Control File Family
Pipe Name

For Information purposes only:-

Server Key
Key Expiration Date

Changing the Server Name will cause the Server Key to become invalid.

Shortcut Key: Ctrl+C
Toolbar Button:



        Delete Database Definition

This will allow you to delete the Database Definition of the currently selected database.  If the Database is the last on defined for the Server, the Server definition is also removed from the treeview.  When a database is deleted the definitions of the batch files loaded into that database are also deleted.  The actual batch files are still held in the Saved Batch File Directory.

Shortcut Key: Ctrl+D
Toolbar Button:



        Batch File

A Batch File is created on the Server either in batch mode or dynamically and downloaded into the Client Program.  For the file to be recognised by the client it must have the .nmr file extension, be created by the correct version of the software and have a valid key for the Server. 

When the program is first run it will define a file type association with the .nmr file extension.  This means that if you double click a Batch File in the Explorer view it will automatically initiate the Client Program in the Database View.

Batch Files are in a very specific format.  Any changes made to this data may cause the load process to fail.


        Save Batch File


This menu choice will allow you to save the current Batch File and if necessary add the Server and Database Definitions to the Enterprise View.  The Batch File will then be automatically copied from its current location to the Saved file directory

Shortcut Key: Ctrl+S



        Browse for Batch File


This menu choice will allow you to browse your file system for a Batch File to be loaded into the Database View.

Upon initiating the load of a Batch File you will be prompted with a form to confirm your action.  This form details the Database and Server Name and gives you the option to set the Add Data Items on Load, Run Reports on Load options before the load commences.

Shortcut Key: Ctrl+L





This menu choice will print the current view of the client program.

Shortcut Key: Ctrl+P



        Export Data


This menu choice will initiate the Adhoc Export Dialogue. 

The Adhoc Export Dialogue will allow you to extract data items from the currently loaded batch file into a .csv comma delimited file. 

The dialogue shows list of all of the data items that are available for export in the left hand side list.  These may be added to the list of data items to be extracted by either selecting them individually and clicking 'Add Item >' button or by clicking 'Add All Items >>'.

Which structures the data will be extracted from from may be chosen using the 'Run Against' dropdown menu.  The options are:-

Shortcut Key: Ctrl+E





This menu choice will terminate the client program and server programs